Neurotherapy – How Good Is It?

Neurotherapy - Innerstrong Fitness

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by your thoughts and emotions? If so, Neurotherapy may be right for you. 

Neurotherapy is a type of therapy that helps people regulate their thoughts and emotions. 

It can be an effective treatment for conditions like anxiety, ADHD, and depression. 

In this blog post, we will explore what Neurotherapy is and how it can help you live a happier, healthier life. 

Stay tuned!


What Is Neurotherapy?


In neuroscience, there exists an experimental field called Neurotherapy.

It is synonymous with neurofeedback and is a specific form of what is called “biofeedback” – that is, training one’s self based on recordings of the exact and unique way your own individual body functions.

Neurofeedback is generally done by strapping monitoring equipment to the patient’s head and giving them live feedback on a screen so they can attune themselves and reinforce the desired behavior or state.

Usually, they are done via the use of QEEG (Quantitative Electroencephalography) or FMRI (Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging).

It is important to underline that this is not surgical or intrusive in any way, purely done on the level of the skin with no needles or stuff like that.

This training of the mind to be more aware of itself is also known as a form of operant conditioning.

The simplest way to explain it is with Ivan Pavlov’s iconic dog experiment, where he would regularly ring a bell before feeding his dog, after which the dog would naturally learn to expect food when he heard the noise.

It is also similar to a very popular, if not the most popular type of therapy in the modern world – CBT, Cognitive-Behavior Therapy.


The Benefits Of Neurotherapy


Although definitive research on the effectiveness of various forms of Neurotherapy has not yet been published, there is evidence for various benefits gained from a few focused sessions.


Cognitive Function


Neurotherapy has been shown to help people with problems in certain areas, and better improve their calm and focus.

Through repetition and inducing a sense of confidence in the subject, this technique can have limited application in inducing music, athletic and creative ability.


Improved Attention


One of the main selling points of Neurotherapy is its benefits to people suffering from ADHD – Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.

Studies have shown significant evidence for help in decreasing all aspects of ADHD in patients, however, only helping boost the effectiveness of conventional treatment, not as a substitute for it.


Anxiety & Stree Management


As we’ve already mentioned, prolonged and systematic Neurotherapy sessions can help induce a cooling effect.

Even from a very basic standpoint, becoming more aware and subsequently in-tune with your mind and body can only increase your confidence in your abilities.

Even disregarding the actual lasting effects of the therapy itself, the 30 minutes to an hour sessions are quite relaxing and therapeutic, if only for the simple process.


Who Is Neurotherapy For?


At the end of the day, neuroptherapy is still a relatively young field, with it being theoretically around 40 years, with real, practical research coming in the back half.

While there are tremendous theoretical benefits if we can definitively prove its validity, it shouldn’t be anyone’s first response to a possible mental disorder or perceived lack of focus and artistic ability.

That said, the great value of this approach is that there are practically no negative side effects whatsoever.

Meaning that should you find yourself with the time and money to be able to afford it, it can be a positive experience.

Who knows? You might even contribute to some groundbreaking research!

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