My Transformation Story

Hi, I’m Nicole Arseneau. I’m a mom, wife, published fitness model, author, nutrition and body transformation coach, and entrepreneur. My health and fitness journey probably started a lot like yours. I struggled for many years with different fad diets and never found sustainable success. Then I finally hired a coach and was able to achieve my own body transformation.
Through my transformation, I learned how to lose 50 pounds, build muscle, and keep it off. I even got to grace the cover of 5 magazines and have published countless articles. I was featured as one of the writers in the Mom Magic Book Three – Moms in STEM, where I shared my story.
From my experience and years in the natural wellness industry, I discovered a sustainable weight loss method and built the body of my dreams. Combining my science background with my fitness and personal training experience, I created the Empower, Balance, Thrive methodology for complete body transformation. It changed my life, the lives of hundreds of women, and I know it can change yours too.
As a highly qualified professional, I hold a Hons. BSc. in Biochemistry with a minor in math, a Bachelor of Education, PN-1 Nutrition Certification, NCI Nutrition Certificate, BCI Certificate, and NASM-Certified Personal Trainer. I’m also the co-founder of the Centre for Advanced Medicine Inc. and owner of Innerstrong Fitness
My husband and I have opened three integrative medical clinics over the past twenty years. We’re all about helping people solve their complex health problems. This has been a big part of our mission and aligns perfectly with my journey to optimal wellness. If you have a medical condition and have tried everything, we can assist you. Our methodologies will find the dysfunction in your body and bring it back to balance.
Today, I teach busy professional women just like you how to build lean, fit bodies without sacrificing real-life commitments. It’s my passion to share this method with as many women as possible by educating them on how to eat, move and train to build a lean, fit, hot body and keep it forever!
Your transformation will impact every aspect of your life in a positive way. As women, we don’t need to struggle and be unhappy with our bodies as we age. We can take control of our health, gain confidence, and live our best lives!
If you’re looking to transform your life and achieve your fitness goals, I’m here to support you every step of the way. Let’s embark on this journey together and create a life of optimal wellness.