Wishing Things Into Existence Part I – Priming The Brain

success mindset - Innerstrong Fitness

We all know of the law of attraction – positive and negative thoughts bring correspondingly good and bad experiences. 

This, in essence, means that whatever you manifest into the world, the same type of thing you’ll end up finding in the world around you. 

What you probably didn’t know is that you can use your brain’s powerful abilities to make sure this works in your favor. 

In this series, we explain how and why this works both on a personal and universal level. 

So without further ado, let’s get to it already!

First Steps

Alright, alright, before you jump right into becoming a warlock who turns around just to see his 1-second old thought manifested, there are some logical things to do.

Let’s have a look at the baby steps everyone should take when considering to develop the skill of wishing things into existence.

#1 Figure Out What You Want 

In order to get anywhere, first, you need a destination. 

Although this seems self-explanatory, many people aren’t all that sure as to what they really want. 

This is by no means is a bad state because it allows you to achieve pretty much anything. 

However, to actually fulfill any sort of journey, you first have to know where you currently are and where you want to go. 

Try asking yourself what some of the core things that make you happy are – they might be places, activities, people, qualities you have. 

The list is endless. 

Don’t limit yourself either with quantity or size here – daring to dream of something is the only possible path to obtaining it. 

For example, if NASA had worried about how far the moon actually is, Neil Armstrong would have probably never set off, let alone land. 

And just look at where we are now!

Remember that limits primarily exist in your mind and nowhere else.

#2 Identify Ways To Achieve Your Dreams

Once you’re sure you’ve set a goal (or ten;), you can then move on to the next step. 

It’s essential to look at the big things first. If you’re planning a vacation, you tend to first figure out where you’ll sleep and how you’ll get there and then worry about parking spaces and restaurant reservations. 

The same rules apply for any sort of plan – you make sure you have the basics down, and only then do you start sussing out the details. 

Personally, I find it really useful to write down my initial core ideas because it helps me visualize them easier and see my strengths and weaknesses. 

However, if this doesn’t sound like your type of thing, it is in no way necessary.  

#3 Believe That You’re Capable Of Anything

Some of you might find this part tricky, but it’s crucial to progress. The moment you trust you can do something, you can hold yourself accountable and start working towards it. 

Think about it – if you need something done, you rely on the people that you believe can actually achieve it, not the ones you doubt could manage. 

The same thing applies to you personally – if you trust your own abilities, you know the goal is possible, and therefore you’re responsible for its successful fulfillment. 

The important word here, “responsible”, may sound a bit scary at first, but it’s a part of the means which get you to your destination. 

As an added bonus, the sense of fulfillment once you’ve done something you held yourself accountable for is much sweeter than pretty much any other feeling in the same ballpark. 

How The Magic Happens

Alright, so you have all these things aligned in your brain, but how and when does the magic happen?
Let’s have a look!

The Brain Wants To Prove Itself Right

When you have formulated a statement, your brain’s innate desire is to prove it correct. 

This means that it will do everything in its power to get you to that specific point. 

And, this happens both consciously and subconsciously and is a process on which certain evolutionary improvements have occurred. 

Strengthening The Connections Between Certain Neurons

The easiest way to explain this is through neurological connections. 

Neurons that fire together, wire together” is the simplified explanation of this phenomenon. 

Picture this as one neuron being responsible for the statement and the other for the action itself. 

The stronger their connection, the easier the process – this means that by repeating the statement and supporting it with small activities, which prove it right, more significant positive outcomes will be much more attainable. 

Fight Alongside Instead Of Against Yourself

Once your brain is working in the right direction, it is pretty much impossible to experience any form of self-sabotage. 

Everything is simpler, faster, and more enjoyable when the connection itself between affirmation and action has become a fact. 

This also means that you will grow to recognize and appreciate any progress, which will build up your self-esteem and allow you to aim higher and achieve bigger goals. 

It’s basically a positive feedback loop, which you, yourself, program inside your brain. 

Priming your brain with the right ideas is essential to getting yourself to where you want to be. 

Final Thoughts

However it is one of the two main parts responsible for the success of the process. 

In the following article, we tackle how the rest of the outside world conforms to that to create your personal vision. 

The entire universe can work in your favor and how this happens is incredibly curious. 

With that in mind, we invite you on an adventure far bigger than us as individuals, but one that is still aimed at improving each of us separately and more to the point, one in which we steer the ship. 

And so, are you ready to have a look at the more metaphysical aspect of this? Read on in part two!

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