Your Own Anti-Aging Therapy

Anti-Aging Therapy - Innerstrong Fitness

In your quest to find the fountain of youth, you may have overlooked the most potent anti-aging therapy of all: your own body.

Believe it or not, your body has tons of ways to keep you looking and feeling young.

But the problem is that many environmental and habitual factors make us age way quicker than we’re supposed to!

All you need to do is avoid those and learn how to work with your body’s natural processes and give it what it needs.

Now let’s see what a proper anti-aging routine/therapy looks like!

Stress Management

Stress management is one of the most essential anti-aging practices because it helps to keep you healthy and looking young.
Because you see, stress isn’t just mental – Chronic stressful periods lead to more cortisol rinsing your entire body.
And quite frankly, cortisol is really good at buffering immunity, growth and recovery.
This is why, managing your stress can help you slow down aging – Because it also helps your body rebuild and recover better!
Besides, it will also allow you to improve your overall mood, increase your energy levels, and improve your sleep quality (which is of course, one of the most essential things to slow down aging.)
Now you may ask “But how can I practice stress management?”
And the answer to this question is…


For the most part of our days, we (re)act, based on conditioning – Most of our thoughts, emotions and choices are not really conscious.

We simply react and drive ourselves to episodes of anxiety and depression over certain thoughts.

We have a negative thought, supported by a negative feeling, and after some 5-10 seconds, another similar thought with another similar feeling is generated, creating a narrative in your head that leaves you emotionally and physically exhausted after a 4 hour overthinking session.

So really, what you have to do is stay aware of your thought models and habits and break through a different perspective.

CHOOSE not to let things have a significant emotional impact on you.

Food Choices

When it comes to anti-aging, food choices are essential. The right foods can help keep you looking and feeling young and the processed foods (which we have in abundance nowadays) can ruin your health and rate of aging.
Some of the best anti-aging foods are fruits and vegetables, which are packed with antioxidants.
Antioxidants help protect your cells from damage, which can help mitigate premature aging.
As a rule of thumb, when going about your daily eating habits, follow these two rules:
Avoid packaged and processed foods, rely on whole foods
Get sufficient protein and fats, as well as some carbs if you are active
Pair these food choices with a moderately intense exercise program and you are twice as likely to stay 30 years young forever!


Exercise is essential for anti-aging, as it can help improve muscle mass, bone density and heart health.
It can also help reduce the risk of chronic diseases and even more importantly, helps you maintain optimal hormonal health.
Regardless of your age, consider including some resistance exercise to your routine, done at a challenging intensity!
Just do it and watch yourself get younger.


The environment we live in today is much different than it was for the most part of human evolution.
Now, our environment is full of pollution and other toxins that can lead to premature aging.
Additionally, the dirt and grime that we encounter every day can also take its toll on our skin, leading to wrinkles and other signs of aging.
So, if you want to keep yourself looking young and healthy, it’s important to take steps to protect it from the pollution and dirt in the environment.
Choose a fairly clean urban area and get back in touch with nature, more frequently – Swim in the ocean, climb the mountains and stay in the sun!

To Wrap It Up

So, forget Botox and surgery. There are plenty of things you can do to help keep your body looking young and healthy without having to go under the knife or needle.

Eat well, move well, sleep well and get in touch with nature!

Just remember that it’s never too late to start taking care of yourself – the sooner you begin, the better!

How will you be incorporating anti-aging habits like this into your life? Comment below!

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