Innerstrong Fitness

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My Story

My name is Nicole Arseneau and I am a multi-faceted individual as a mom, published fitness model/writer, author, nutrition and body transformation coach, entrepreneur, and secondary math teacher. My own health and fitness journey has been filled with ups and downs, just like many others. After trying various diets without lasting success, I turned to coach (Coach Jaclyn, Team Strong Girls) for help. With her guidance and my exposure to the natural wellness industry, I discovered a sustainable weight loss method and achieved my own body transformation. This experience, along with my education from Coach JVB’s (Owner of Strong Fitness Magazine) Strong Formula Program and further courses on nutrition, fitness, weight loss, women’s health, gut health, hormones and body sculpting, led me to develop my Empower, Balance, Thrive methodology for complete body transformation.

Combining my science background, nutrition and personal training courses, and passion for natural wellness, I now teach busy professional women how to build lean, healthy bodies without sacrificing real-life commitments. My ultimate goal is to educate and empower women to take control of their health and fitness, and live their best lives at any age.

Nicole Arseneau nutrition and body transformation coach Innerstrong Fitness Innerstrong Nicole Arseneau

As a highly qualified professional, I hold a Hons. BSc. In Biochemistry with a minor in math, Bachelor of Education, PN-1 Nutrition Certification, NCI Nutrition Certificate, BCI Certificate, Strong Formula Certificate (Strong Fitness Magazine certified coach), and NASM-Certified Personal Trainer (in progress). I am also the co-founder of the Centre for Advanced Medicine Inc., a published Fitness Model/Writer, and Author.

Tools for Success


Mindset Training


Fitness Program Loaded in Custom App


Customized Nutrition Plan

Our Service Areas

We service clients all across Canada including the below mentioned cities:

Nicole Arseneau as seen in: